Compulsory Motor Third Party Liability for owners of land vehicles is a protection mechanism implemented to ensure compensation for damages caused to life, health and property of persons injured as a result of a road traffic accident (traffic accident).
An insured event is an event resulting in damage to third parties during a traffic accident involving an insured vehicle and resulting in the civil liability of the person whose liability is insured under the contract.
Peculiarities and advantages of insurance under CMTPL from "GRAWE Ukraine"
Possibility of free consultations with the Customer Service Center
Assistance in preparing the necessary documents
Payment of insurance compensation within 15 days from the date of receipt of all documents
Граве Україна відшкодує за ОСЦПВ
The amount of the insured amount for damage caused to the property of the victims is 160,000 UAH per victim.
If the total amount of damage for one insured event exceeds five times the insured amount, the compensation to each victim is proportionally reduced.
The amount of the insurance amount for damage caused to the life and health of the victims is 320,000 UAH per victim.
The amount of insurance for damage caused to the property of the victims, in the event of a Europrotocol, is 80,000 UAH per victim.
Since September 19, 2011, it became possible to use the European protocol for registration of traffic accidents in Ukraine.
The Europrotocol is a special form, of a standardized form throughout Europe, which is filled out by drivers involved in road accidents at the scene of a road traffic accident. Subsequently, the completed Europrotocol is submitted to the insurance company and serves as the basis for payment of insurance compensation. The introduction of such a document promises to save time for registration of road accidents and shorten the terms of payment of insurance compensation.
Participants in road accidents can use the European protocol in the following cases:
• All participants in road accidents have a Compulsory Motor Third Party Liability insurance policy of car owners.
• Damages were caused only to property, not to the life and health of any of the participants in the road accident.
• The participants in the road accident do not disagree about the causes and circumstances of the road accident.
You can find out how to correctly draw up the new European protocol by reading the Instructions for filling out a road accident report and typical road accident diagrams.